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The Industry Press
Luster Dewitt and family were Sunday guests at the home of A. H. Rebman.
Otis Gunning and family of Littleton, spent Saturday and Sunday with Industry relatives.
H. A. Hoffman returned Thursday evening from Chicago where he had been for several days buying goods for his clothing store.
Edward ___ wife visited in Vermont Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Derry.
Miss Bertha Gloyd, teacher in __ termediate department of the ___ spent the weekend __ nessee.
Ed Sherbine and wife and Noah Hickman and wife of Macomb visited at the home of John Lawyer, north of town, Sunday.
J. W. Lickey and wife spent Sunday in Rushville at the home of their daughter, Mrs. R. A. Lawler.
Mesdames Leanta Standard and Virginia Rakestraw visited their sister, Mrs. Warren Standard, at Macomb, Friday.
Miss Gwen Holliday began work Saturday as an apprentice in the millinery emporium of Mrs. Jessie Laughlin.
Mrs. Louella Holliday returned Monday morning from Macomb where she had been visiting since Friday with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rosa Holliday, and other friends.
Frank Hammer and wife of Macomb, visited here Sunday with the __ T. Laughlin and __ re accompanied by __ son, who visited __ friends.
Come and be convinced that our styles and prices in millinery are correct. - Mrs. J. W; Lickey.
Elliott Pennington, who resides east of town, returned last week from a few days' visit with relatives at Kansas City.
Cure your meat with Wright's Smoke. The one with the true smoke flavor. 75c per __. at Deckers.
Mrs. J. A. Butcher, who lives northwest of town, is quite sick with an attack of bronchitis and tonsilitis.
Henry Snowden and sons, Dale and Dean, and Mrs. Lois Ellinwood made a business trip to Macomb Friday in the former's car.
Marshall Rakestraw and wife of Ipava, have been visiting among the latter's relatives in this vicinity during the past week.
S. M. Pennington went to Monmouth recently where he expects to make an indefinite visit with his daughter, Mrs. Paul Holmes.
Miss Nellie Kemper returned Saturday from a short visit in Macomb at the home of her grandfather, Joseph Hiatt.
Dr. J. S. McCreight and family, accompanied by the Misses Bessie McCullom and Chloe Danner, drove over to Table Grove Sunday in the former's new Buick car.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holmes returned to their home in Rushville the first of the week, after a ten days' visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs. E. T. Laughlin.
J. E. Janes and E. J. Gould of Rock Island, arrived here Saturday evening and were over Sunday visitors at the home of the former's father, W. D. Janes, west of town.
James Owen of Macomb, spent a few days of last week here with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Price, and also with his daughter, Mrs. T. R. Vail, who lives east of town.
Miss Ellen Gimson, who has employment in Macomb, came down the first of the week for a short visit at the home of her father, Rev. John Gimson.
Miss Marion Andrews, teacher of mathematics and fourth-year English at the high school, went to Galesburg Saturday and visited over Sunday with friends.
Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Lane, and daughter, Martha, and Miss Ellison of Macomb, drove down in the former's car Sunday afternoon and were guests at the home of Adda Janes.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley of Galesburg, Mrs. Louella Holliday and Miss Eva McMillan, were entertained at dinner at the home of John Lawyer, north of town, Sunday, March 12.
You are cordially invited to see the display of spring and summer hats at Mrs. Lickey's.
Miss Collette Belle-Isle of Dallas City, arrived here the first of the week to take charge of the trimming department in the millinery establishment of Mrs. Lois Ellinwood.
Ray Austine and Marshall Wilson and their families, Marshall Rakestraw and wife and Ernest Wheeler were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Leanta Standard, northeast of town, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker and son and daughter, Harold and Mary, attended the St. Patrick masquerade ball given at Table Grove Friday night by the dancing club of that city. There were over eighty masked couples in attendance and the event was greatly enjoyed, not only by those who participated in the dancing, but by a large number of spectators.
Mrs. Carr Wilson and Miss Adda Janes drove to Vermont Sunday and spent the day at the home of the former's aunt, Mrs. Emma Strausbaugh. They were also at the home of Mrs. John Anderson, where the death of Mrs. Scott occurred Saturday afternnon, notice of which appears elsewhere in this issue.
Henry Yaap and __ and their wives visited at ___ of Fred Yaap, Sunday.
Mrs. H. E. Pennington of Macomb came down the first of the week for a visit with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Anna Young returned Saturday to her home in Monmouth after a short visit with her aunt, Mrs. M. M. Powell.
Mrs. Esmerelda Hunter and son John of Table Grove, and Glenn Tatham and family, who reside east of town, spent Sunday at the home of G. W. Young.
George Thompson and family, who have been residents of Littleton for about a year, returned to Industry last week and are occupying their home in the northeast part of town, recently vacated by James Vincent. Mr. Thompson is an employe of C. E. Anstine.
Mrs. Jessie Laughlin returned last week from Chicago, where she had been for ten days buying her spring stock and acquiring the latest ideas in the art of millinery. While there she also visited with her brother, Kenneth Holmes, who has employment in that city.
Mabel Wilhelm, who is slowly recovering from a long siege of pneumonia, is now able to be up and around although she is very weak and greatly reduced in flesh. Her friends hope that with the advent of the warm spring days she will make a more rapid improvement.
Rev. Alfred Sturgeon came down from Macomb Sunday evening to take charge of the revival services that are in progress at the M. E. church. He was accompanied by his wife and daughter, and after the services they all left for their home, Rev. Sturgeon returning the next evening to continue his evangelistic work.
Mrs. Adaline Myers, who has been spending the winter in Wichita, Kansas, with her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Pulliam, arrived home the first of the week. She was accompanied home by her daughter, who went to Plymouth Tuesday morning for a short visit with her brother, John Myers and family, before leaving for her home in Wichita.
Mrs. W. G. Evans and little daughter, Margaret Louise, who had been visiting here for several days with her father, J. W. Flack, and her brother, L. E. Flack and wife, went to Astoria Wednesday of last week for a few days' visit with Mrs. Margaret Evans and daughter Iva. From there she returned to her home in Rushville.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley and little daughter of Galesburg, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lawyer, north of town, a part of last week. From there they went to Colchester to visit the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lowrey. Mrs. Buckley was formerly Miss Irma Lowrey.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Young went to Vermont last Thursday to visit the latter's sisters, Mrs. Frank Holmberg and Miss Colombia Hill. Miss Hill, who resides at the Holmberg home, has been a sufferer from rheumatism for the past two years or more and for the past year has been unable to lie down. She sits in a common chair, as she cannot rest in a rocker.
Saturday, March 25th "Vanity Fair" offered by the Thomas A. Edison Co. with Mrs. Fiske in the role of "Becky Sharp." Mrs. Fiske has portrayed the role of "Betty Sharp" one thousand and one times and the last time was for the motion picture of this rendition of Thackeray's masterpiece. It is improbable that she will ever again appear in motion pictures but will continue on the speaking stage. 7 reels. 10c and 15c admission.
Contributed 18 Mar 2025 by Norma Hass, extracted from The Industry Press, Volume 1, Number 1, 23 Mar 1916, Page 5, courtesy of Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections
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