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Chapter 22 - Tennessee
Tennessee was originally organized as a full congressional township in 1857, and so remained until the spring of 1880, when Colchester township was created, taking one mile and a half off the east side of Tennessee. Nearly half of the entire township is composed of timber land, and the surface is underlaid in many places with a most excellent fire and potter's clay, together with an almost inexhaustible supply of coal, which is of great value to the township. Some of the best mines in the whole state are here found. A good portion is also excellent farming land and there are a number of good farms. Crooked Creek enters the township on the south west quarter of section 1, and flowing in a diagonal course through sections 10, 9, 16, 17, and the northern part of 19, leaves the township at the southwest corner of section 18. It is a good sized stream and furnishes an excellent water power. The village of Tennessee is located on section 22, on the Galesburg & Quincy branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad, which passes through the township in a south-westerly course and affords good shipping facilities for the products of the country.
Only a little more than a half century has passed since this section of the country was uninhabited, except by the aborigine. The first advent of the white man is yet remembered by many now living. Through dense forests and over trackless plains came the early pioneers, making selection of lands, establishing homes, turning over the virgin sod, planting the fields of grain, reaping the golden harvest, subduing the land and accumulating property--until now, one may look upon a beautiful country, containing the home of a contented, happy people.
Daniel Campbell, a native of the State of Tennessee, came to this township December 10, 1829, and in the spring of 1830, located on section 10. In the fall of the same year, he removed to what is now known as the Widow Harrison place, where he lived until 1832. He was a volunteer in the Black Hawk war in 1832-3, and in 1834 was elected sheriff of McDonough county. Mr. Campbell died in Greene county, Illinois, April 9, 1842, while returning from a trip up the Red river country.
Daniel W. Campbell came to McDonough county, with his parents, in 1829. He erected the first business house in the town of Colchester, in 1855, and put in a stock of groceries, etc., January 19, 1856, which was also the first in the place. He is still a resident of that enterprising town, although not engaged in any business pursuits.
Among the pioneers of McDonough, none are more deserving a place among the records given of the old settlers and foremost men of the county, than Roswell Tyrrell, one of the first settlers of this township. From the friends of Mr. Tyrrell, and those who were more intimately acquainted with him, the following facts and incidents in regard to his life, are obtained: Roswell Tyrrell was the son of Abijah and Naomi Tyrrell, and was born near Hartford, Connecticut, on the 23d day of May, 1798. In early life, he shadowed forth the peculiar traits of character that made him noted in after years. He was always a quiet, steady lad, attending closely to his farm, and in the common school pursuing his studies with zeal. Every school boy or girl has read of the second war with Great Britain, the beginning of which was in 1812, when Roswell was but 14 years of age, entirely too young to enlist. The war continuing, two years thereafter, when but 16 years of age, he enrolled himself in the army, and served until the close of the war, the year following, when he received his discharge. What special service may have been performed by the regiment in which he enlisted, we are not advised, but we do know that young Roswell Tyrrell never would have shirked duty, and if called upon to face the foe upon the battle field, he never would have flinched. On receiving his discharge, he returned to Trumbull county, Ohio, to which place he had emigrated when about 14 years of age, and where he remained until the spring of 1819, when, there being some difficulty with respect to his discharge papers, he went on foot to Washington, D.C., to have the mistake corrected. After having the matter attended to, he started on foot west, intending to settle in the state of Illinois. He arrived in Madison county in the fall, remaining there some four years, when he removed to Fulton county, where, on the 22d day of February, 1823, near the town of Lewistown, he was married to Mary Ann Sidwell, with whom he lived happily until death called her away, which sad event occurred in May, 1828. She died in the full assurance of hope, leaving one daughter for him to rear and provide. Mr. Tyrrell received as a pension from the United States government, for service in the war of 1812, a land warrant for 160 acres of land, which warrant he sold, and with the proceeds, in 1826, purchased a quarter on section 29, 5 north, 4 west, now Tennessee township, which quarter he held until his death. In the fall of 1830 he came over from Fulton county, erected his cabin, and returned for his family. While gone, "the big snow," of which so much is said by old settlers, fell, necessitating his remaining away until the following spring, when he came back, and effected a permanent settlement. On the 8th day of July, he was again married, leading to the marriage altar, Hannah Ann Brooks. One daughter was born unto them. The second Mrs. Tyrrell died in the year 1852. About the year 1834, Mr. Tyrrell became bondsman for one of the officers of McDonough county who, unfortunately, failed to make full returns due the county, and Mr. Tyrrell was called upon to make good the deficiency. This was an entirely unlooked for event, and came very heavily upon him, but he determined that every dollar should be paid. Few today can realize the trouble had in obtaining money in those days. Men with thousands of acres of land, with an abundance of personal property, could scarcely raise money to pay their taxes, small as they then were. But Mr. Tyrrell proposed to pay this indebtedness, though it was frequently suggested to him that its payment could be avoided. The very idea of repudiation was horror to him, and he has often said that never for a moment was he tempted to do such a thing. As the money could not be raised here by any means that could be resorted to, Mr. Tyrrell determined on once more going to the lead mines, and, as a day laborer, work to obtain the money to make good his bond. Although the amount he was required to pay would not seem very large to us at the present day, yet it required 11 years to make the final payment, but every dollar was paid, and McDonough county was saved from its loss. The discovery of gold in California caused a tremor of excitement throughout the whole country and thousands flocked to the New Eldorado. Among the first to seek his fortune in that strange land, was the subject of our sketch. In April, 1849, in company with several others, he started on the overland journey, arriving at his destination in about seven months from the time of starting. The hardships of that journey he bore remarkably well, and in good health and spirits he began to labor in the mines, continuing in the work for three years, save about three months when he was unable to do anything on account of sore eyes. He returned home in 1852, having in a measure, been quite successful, more so than the great majority that went out with him. Mr. Tyrrell was never a member of the church, though in life he was a strictly moral man. The second great commandment, to "love thy neighbor as thyself," he carried out to the letter. When James Fulkerson settled in his neighborhood, in 1832, Mr. Tyrrell was in the habit of attending to any little chores around the house that might seem necessary on the Sabbath day, such as cutting wood, sharpening his tools, etc., but as he saw that Mr. Fulkerson did not approve of the same, he resolved to discontinue the practice, saying "My grief, it don't hurt me to cut wood, but it hurts Uncle Jimmy's feelings, so I wont't do it." And he was ever afterwards as good as his word, and "Uncle Jimmy's" feelings were never hurt by his Sabbath breaking. His honesty was proverbial wherever he was known, and when another person was specially commended for this trait of character, it was said of him that "he is as honest as Uncle Roswell Tyrrell," or "Uncle Roswell Tyrrell couldn’t do better than that." Another excellent trait in him was that he ever kept his promise to the very letter. On one occasion he left his two little girls at home while he went to Macomb on some business. While there he was so unfortunate as to be taken as a juryman. When night came he told the judge he must return home. The judge replied that he could not excuse him. "But," he said, "I must go; I promised my little girls that I would be at home to-night, and I never break my promise to them." And home he went, trudging his way along on foot, spending the night with his little ones, and returning to town the next morning before court was called. Until the formation of the republican party, in 1854, Mr. Tyrrell had always been a democrat, but not approving the position of the democratic party on the slavery question, he refused longer to act with it. He had always been a strong anti-slavery man, and in 1824, when the effort was being made to convert Illinois into a slave state, he voted against calling a convention to amend the constitution for that purpose. When the Republican party came into existence he found the principles enunciated by its leaders were in accordance with those he had long held, and therefore acted with it until he was called away. During the dark days of the war he was intensely loyal, and although too old to enter the service of his country, as he did 47 years previous, his heart was with the "boys in blue" upon the tented field, and many acts of kindness did he perform for the dear ones they left behind. No wife, sister, or mother of a soldier would be allowed to suffer if in his power to minister relief, and numberless little deeds of kindness might be recorded in this connection wherein he figured as the principal party. No man ever stood higher in the community than he, and even his most bitter enemies never doubted his honesty. However much they might doubt the truth of a political statement, they would invariably remark, "Well, he is honest in what he says." It is said there was never but one case heard of where his word was ever doubted. A stranger, with whom he was conversing, charged him indirectly with falsifying, when he quietly responded, as if his feelings were hurt greatly: "Mister, you don't know me, or you wouldn't say that." It was his pride to make his word respected by every one, and none knowing the man ever doubted his sincerity. He had a heart overflowing with love for humanity, and to the poor he was ever kind and considerate. The cabin which he erected in 1830, it is said, was the first home of nearly every family in the Hill's Grove settlement, and not a cent of rent was he ever known to receive for its use. If the family was poor, or in need of any necessaries of life, Uncle Roswell was ever ready to supply their wants. A sack of flour or meal, a ham of meat, or whatever might be the object of their need, was dropped quietly at their door, and not a word spoken. If he should be so fortunate as to secure some choice venison, he was ever ready to divide with his less fortunate neighbors. Such being the character of the man, it certainly is no wonder his memory is held in grateful remembrance by hundreds of old citizens of the county. Roswell Tyrrell departed this life on the 13th day of April, 1872, being at the time 72 years, 11 months and 20 days old. He left but one daughter--Mrs. A. G. Owen--to survive him, and her grief was sincerely shared by numerous friends and neighbors, and the citizens of the county in general. Probably no man's death was more greatly regretted than Roswell Tyrrell, the old pioneer.
Another early settler is found in the personage of the deceased Joshua Hunt, who came to McDonough county in 1831, and settled about a mile west of the town of Colchester, on the farm now owned by John Myers. Here the family remained until 1839, when Mr. Hunt entered 370 acres of land, located in Hire and Tennessee townships, erecting his house on section 3 of the latter township. That house now comprises part of the residence of his son, Simon W. Valentine Wilson, a Methodist divine, delivered one of the first sermons of the township in this house, and James King, another well known minister of the same denomination, held services in the house for several years thereafter, there being no churches in the settlement at that time. Both Joshua and his wife died at the old homestead, on section 3, and are interred in the Bean cemetery, one mile east of the town of Colchester. Joshua Hunt was a man of intelligence and considerable intellectual capacity, and was a much respected citizen of McDonough county.
Joshua Hunt, deceased, was born in Washington county, Tennessee, in 18--. His parents were natives of England, and from there came to America, where Joshua was reared. He was married to Nancy Bacon, by whom he had 11 children--Abbie, Isaac B., Samuel A., Mary, Sarah, Thomas J., John B., Simon W., Harriet, deceased, Wancy, deceased, Manda C., deceased. Mr. Hunt died in this township.
Simon W. Hunt, who was the eighth son of Mr. Joshua Hunt, was born in Washington county, Tennessee, on the 29th day of May, 1825. He came to McDonough county with his parents, and has since remained a resident of the county. He was married on August 18, 1857, to Rebecca Stookey, a daughter of Elijah and Jane (Harper) Stookey, both natives of Ross county, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Stookey were the parents of six children, all of whom grew up: Catherine, wife of William Lyons; Allen, married Susan Lowderman, now living in Washington Territory; Alfred, married Mary Wooley, also living in Washington Territory; Thomas, now residing in Hire township; Marietta, wife of Marion Bean, now living in Montana; Benton, married George Williams, living now in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hunt have been blessed with eight children, seven of whom are now living. Henry Franklin, Amanda Elsie, married Franklin Welch, living now in Hire township; Charles A., Marshall Lee, Estella, Otto, Kerua, died December 10, 1878; Reverdy. Mr. Hunt has about 600 acres of good land, and divides his attention between farming and stock raising.
Hugh McDonough, deceased, came to this county in the fall of 1831, locating on section 31, where surviving members of this well known family still reside.
Hugh McDonough, Sr., was a native of Owen county, Kentucky, and was born October 14, 1823. His father, Hugh McDonough, Sr., a native of Ireland, came with his wife and family to McDonough county, in 1831, and located on section 31, Tennessee township, where he remained until his death, which occurred on the 25th of August, 1849. He was the father of five children: Cornelius, now residing in Ottawa county, Kansas; Hugh, Leo, now a resident of Chalmers township; John, also a resident of this county, having over 300 acres of fine land, and raises some stock; Edward, of Macomb.
Hugh McDonough, Jr., the subject of this sketch, came to McDonough county, with his parents, and remained at home until April 25, 1849, when he was married to Mary Moore, a daughter of John and Maria (Beard) Moore, and a native of Yorkshire, England. She came to America, with her parents, in 1831, and located in Toronto, Canada, where they remained until the spring of 1840, when they came to Illinois, and settled in Hancock county, where they remained the rest of their days. Mr. and Mrs. McDonough were the parents of six children, four of whom are now living. Their names are: Leo, married Carrie Saunders, of St. Joseph, Missouri. He is a graduate of the business college, at Jacksonville, and from there went in the business of publishing atlas maps and historical works. He is now living in Nebraska on an extensive stock ranch; Adolphus, married Sarah Morrow, now residing in Tennessee township; George H., now residing in Tennessee township, and Charles. Hugh McDonough died on the 23d day of February, 1870, leaving his widow a farm of 186 acres of good land, about 130 acres of which are under a state of cultivation. Mr. McDonough was a man of great integrity, and was much respected by the pioneers and prominent men of the county.
James Fulkerson, a native of Tennessee, emigrated from that state to Jacksonville, Illinois, in the winter of 1831-32, and in the spring of that year came to McDonough county, and entered land on sections 28 and 29, where he remained until his death. Several surviving members of the family still reside in this township. James Fulkerson, deceased, was a native of Washington county, Tennessee, and was born in 1797. His parents were John and Elizabeth (King) Fulkerson. They were natives of Virginia, and after a number of years in that state, they moved to Tennessee, and made that their permanent home, and on its soil they died. James was reared in his native county, and remained there until the winter of 1831, when he removed his family to Illinois, and spent the winter in Jacksonville, Morgan county, and in the spring of 1832, they came to McDonough county, locating on section 28 and 29, Tennessee township. On their arrival here, they pitched a tent, and one morning a bear made its appearance before their hut, which was soon captured, and the family received 200 pounds of meat, and a fine bear skin overcoat. Mr. Fulkerson was married in Washington county, Tennessee, to Elizabeth H. Waddill. They were the parents of seven children: Elizabeth K., married Isaac Webb, now living in Galesburg; Charles W., married Levina Owen, now living in Tennessee township; Margaret K., married Rev. William Owen, of Tennessee township; Thomas; Mary A., married Isaac Lord, now residing in Texas; Martha W., died July 4, 1873, aged 30 years; and two children died in infancy. Mr. Fulkerson died on the 3d of July, 1867, aged 70 years. He was a man who gave much of his efforts to education and church matters, and also was successful in the accumulation of a good share of this world's goods. Mrs. Fulkerson died in February, 1880, aged 84 years.
Thomas Fulkerson is a native of McDonough county, Illinois, and was born on the 22d day of February, 1834. He is the son of James Fulkerson, one of the pioneers of Tennessee township. Thomas was reared on the farm upon which his father settled, and at an early age commenced his education at Isaac Holton's seminary, at Hill's Grove, and was an attendant there, with the exception of a short time, for the whole 15 years that Mr. Holton taught. He attended the McDonough college at Macomb for three years, being a classmate of George Bailey, Tom Gilmore and Ed. McDonough. He then taught three terms of school at Hill's Grove, and at that time he attended the county teachers' institute, of which he has held the presidency. He was secretary of the Hill's Grove grange when it was on its boom, and was engaged in keeping a grange store, which did a very large business for some six or seven years. He sold about all the lumber within a radius of ten miles of Hill's Grove, and also sold large quantities of agricultural implements. Mr. Fulkerson is a man who takes great interest in the educational affairs of his county, and has been connected with the schools of his township a great many years.
Charles W. Fulkerson, a native of Washington county, Tennessee, was born on the 14th day of October, 1822, and is the son of James and Elizabeth Hannah (Waddill) Fulkerson. When nine years of age, Charles came to Illinois with his parents, and stopped over winter in Morgan county, and in the spring they came to McDonough county, and located in what is now Tennessee township. They erected a small log cabin for the family, and there lived until the township had increased a great deal in growth. Charles W. has resided in the county ever since coming here with his family. He received his education at the school of Isaac Holton, at Hill's Grove, attending five winters. He now owns 106 acres of good cultivated land, and pays some attention to the raising of stock. He was married on the 1st day of January, 1846, to Lavina Owen, a native of Champaign county, Ohio, and a daughter of Asal and Elizabeth (Cowan) Owen. They came to McDonough county in 1840, where Mr. Owen practiced medicine for some time, and was afterwards ordained as a minister in the Methodist church, and so continued until his death, which occurred in 1869. Mr. and Mrs. Fulkerson are the parents of five children, four of whom are now living: Asal, married Annie Rigg, now living in Tennessee township; James, married Mamie Reynolds, and is now living in Kansas City, Missouri; Elizabeth H., now teaching school; Mary L., died on the 6th of March, 1882; and Charles. Charles W. was orderly sergeant in the company that went out from Hill's Grove in the Mormon war.
In the fall of 1833 John Waddill came with his parents to McDonough county, and settled in Tennessee and Lamoine townships. The family were well known throughout the county, and a sketch of them is appended.
John Waddill, deceased, was born near Jonesboro, Washington county, Tennessee, October 3, 1800, his parents being Charles and Margaret (King) Waddill, both natives of Tennessee. There John was reared, and there the family remained until the fall of 1833, when they resolved to move to Illinois, and in pursuance of that purpose they came to McDonough county, and entered land in Tennessee and Lamoine townships. While given to the pursuits of agricultural duties, he also found time to amuse himself, while providing game for his family use, by the use of his rifle, in the handling of which he was an expert. After coming to this county he killed numerous deer, which could be found but a short distance from the house. Mr. Waddill was married in Washington county, Tennessee, to Elizabeth Roisten. They were the parents of seven children--Sarah, wife of Thomas Sammons, she died in Hancock county, Illinois; Margaret, married Marvin Cook, now residing in Missouri; Rachel, married Thomas Griffitts, died in Carthage, Hancock county; Charles W.; Susan, married William Cook, residing in this township; Benjamin; John Wesley, died in McDonough county, in 1858. Mr. Waddill died on the 9th of January, 1877. He was well and favorably known in this part of the county, and lived respected to the age of 76 years.
Charles W. Waddill was born in the state of Tennessee, near Jonesborough, on the 26th of January, 1830. He is the son of John and Elizabeth (Roisten) Waddill. When three years of age his father's family moved to this county, and since that time has never been a resident of any other county. In 1860 he purchased 77 acres of good land on section 32, Tennessee township, which is now the home of C. W. Waddill. He is now the possessor of 237 acres of land in Lamoine and Tennessee townships, all being under cultivation, except a few acres of brush land. He pays attention to both farming and stock raising, and has some of the finest stock and one of the best farms in this township. Mr. Waddill was united in marriage in May, 1860, with Wancy Lawyer, a daughter of Michael Lawyer, who is a resident of this township. Mr. and Mrs. Waddill are the parents of three children, whose names are: James Milton, John Wesley and William Michael. Mr. Waddill is a man of great ability and highly respected and esteemed by his many friends.
On the 9th day of May, 1834, Benjamin Waddill was born, who is the son of John and Elizabeth (Roisten) Waddill. His birth place was the farm now owned by D. V. Gilchrist, which was the residence of the family for nearly a year after coming to McDonough county. The following fall the family removed to section 5, Lamoine township, where Benjamin was reared, and received his schooling. In October, 1861, Mr. Waddill was married to Margaret Lawyer, a daughter of Michael and Sarah (Parker) Lawyer, an extended sketch of whom appears in the history of this township. Mr. and Mrs. Waddill are the parents of four children, whose names are Caroline, Mary Ann, Emma Jane, and Sarah Ellen. In the year 1862, Mr. Waddill removed to his present location on section 32, Tennessee township, and began cultivating and improving some land, which is now as nice a farm as can be found in the township. His farm now consists of 270 acres of good land, about all of which is cultivated, and he is engaged also in stock raising, having some of the finest breeds of cattle. Mr. Waddill has held the position of school director of Union district, No. 2, for nine years.
The settlement of Colonel Charles Wesley Waddill, now deceased here comes in. He was born in Washington county, Tennessee, on the 16th of July, 1813. His father, Charles R. Waddill was born in May, 1771, in Virginia. He was married in November, 1798, to Margaret King, a native of Pennsylvania, and who died on the 12th of November, 1865. Charles R., died in Tennessee township on the 4th day of June, 1852. In November, 1833, the family were on their way to their new home in Illinois, and while camped near Beardstown, on the 12th day of that month, they witnessed that wonderful meteoric display, which will ever make that night remembered. The family on coming to McDonough county, located on section 32, Tennessee township, where Michael L., still resides on the place his grandfather picked out for a home, over 50 years ago, in the then wild country which forms the prosperous county of McDonough. Charles Wesley was reared in his native state, and there spent his early days on the farm with father, and with the latter came to McDonough county. He was married on the 2d day of December, 1845, to Mary E. Lawyer. They had four children--Sarah S., wife of James D. Tabler, of Lamoine township; Charles R., now living in Tennessee township; Michael L., and Thomas Wesley. Mr. Waddill made his home on the old homestead until his death which occurred on the 9th of April, 1857. He was a prominent and highly respected man among the citizens of his time, and held the office of assessor of taxes of McDonough county. Mrs. Waddill survives her husband, and makes her home at present, with her daughter, Mrs. Tabler, who resides in Lamoine township. Mr. Waddill, was generally known as Col. C. W. Waddill, having been commander of a company of riflemen, who met at Hill's Grove for drill. This company was armed by the state government. Mr. Waddill was at first, captain of this militia, but was afterwards promoted to colonel. He also made his mark as a physician, and in his latter days he was very successful in his practice.
Michael L. Waddill, a son of Charles Wesley and Mary E. (Lawyer) Waddill, was born in McDonough. He was reared on the home place on which his parents settled on coming to McDonough county, and has ever remained on that farm. He received his schooling in the schools of the township, and has never attended any other, but has a common school education, of which he may be proud. He was married in Jessamine county, Kentucky, on the 5th of October, 1876, to Joe A. Hughes, a daughter of John M., and L. J., (Morrow) Hughes. Her father was the son of Merritt and Mary (Craig) Hughes. He has in his possession a family tree, distinctly tracing the family back through the Craigs to the time of Mary, Queen of Scots. Mr. and Mrs. Waddill have been the parents of three children: Jennie May, born December 8, 1877; Wesley Hughes, born November 19, 1881; Sarah Luella, born in July, 1883. Mr. Waddill owns 150 acres of fine land, all improved, with the exception of 25 acres. He also raises fine stock, having a farm well adapted to that occupation.
John Kirk, one of the early settlers of Tennessee, settled on section 4, in the spring of 1834, where he remained until his death. His son, John J., now occupies the old homestead.
John Kirk, who was one of the prominent men of this county, was a native of Washington county, Kentucky, and was born on the 17th of November, 1791. His father, James Kirk, was in the Revolutionary army and in that war, he participated about three years. He was on the body guard of General Washington, and in one of the battles in which he participated, his two brothers were shot dead at his side. After the close of the war, he emigrated with his family to Kentucky, and as he lived to the age of 97 years, his grandchildren have heard from his own lips the recounting of the scenes, incidents, trials and successes, of their grandfather in the war that made the American republic. He spent the balance of his days in Kentucky, and died in the year 1856. His son John, who appears as the subject of this sketch, was reared at the old home in Kentucky, but on reaching manhood's estate, he left his home, and went to Cincinnati to learn the tanning trade. After learning that occupation, he went to a small place about three miles from Cincinnati, and was there about four years. While in Cincinnati he was married on the 9th day of November, 1815, to Nancy Coe, a native of Virginia. Her father was also in the Revolutionary war, and among others, participated in the battle of Bunker Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk were the parents of 11 children, four of whom died in infancy; Melinda, was born in August, 1816, and married Benjamin Welch; Paulina, born 1818, married William Archer, and died in 1848; Julia Ann, born in 1828, married Samuel Millington of Crawford county, Kansas; John J.; Harriet, born July 17, 1830, and married Samuel K. Pedrick, now living in Knox county; Marietta W., married Robert Campbell, who is now dead, his wife is now residing in Peoria; Lucy Ellen, born May 9, 1840, married Richard Hayes, now residing in Nodaway county, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk came to this county in the spring of 1834, and located on section 4, Tennessee township, where their son John J., now resides. In 1856 they removed to Blandinsville, and there lived until the angel of death called them away. Mr. Kirk died in November, 1856, and his wife in August 1863.
John J. Kirk, who is now the leading representative of this prominent early settler family of the county, was born on the 10th day of December, 1828, his parents being John and Nancy (Coe) Kirk. When but a little over five years of age, the family removed to McDonough county, and located on section 4, Tennessee township, where John J., now resides, and where he has spent his entire life, having been identified with the county over half a century. He divides his attention between stock raising and farming. He owns 330 acres of land, nearly all improved, and highly cultivated. The house which the family lived in when first coming to this county is still standing near the new residence, which John J., built in 1880. The body of the old structure is of logs, and on coming to the county, the father weather-boarded it and built a frame addition. John J., was married on the 16th day of August, 1853, to Margaret Ann Allison, a native of Virginia, and a daughter of William and Margaret Allison. Her parents left Virginia when she was quite young, and removed to Ohio, and from there to McDonough county, in October, 1852. She died on the 21st of January, 1861, leaving three children: Virginia, Allison, and Olive. Mr. Kirk was married again on the 13th of February, 1862, to Amanda Allison, a sister of his first wife. By this marriage, there were three children: Elizabeth, Sherman, and John.
Larkin C. Bacon (deceased) was among the best known of the early settlers. He was a son of Joseph B. and Agnes (Couch) Bacon, both of whom were native Tennesseeans. Larkin himself was born in Washington county, that state, on the second day of May, 1818. The circumstances of the senior Bacon, at the time of Larkin's birth, were good, but through unfortunate speculation in the grain and stock trade, he met with severe reverses and was considerably injured in property. Soon after, Larkin moved to Missouri; and, after a few years' residence in that state, came to McDonough county, where he arrived in March, 1834, settling upon section 22, Tennessee township, and where he continued to reside until death called him away. He passed his early life upon a farm, having to labor from the time he became physically able. His education consists in that derived from the common schools of the community in which he lived, and instructions received from the hands of Isaac Holton, who, for a number of years conducted a high school at Hill's Grove, in this county. Larkin’s general character in youth excellent. He then possessed moral qualities which ever adhered to him afterwards, through all the vicissitudes of life. It is said of him that he never uttered an oath--never took the name of his God in vain. He always followed farming; but in addition to the ordinary duties of farm work, for 25 years dealt in stock. All the grain that he raised upon his farm was consumed in feeding hogs and cattle for the market He chose agricultural pursuits because he had been reared to them, and never had any disposition to engage in any other business. In the cause of education Mr. Bacon always took great interest, and did much to advance its interests in the community in which he resided. For about 25 years he held the office of school trustee. He never changed his place of residence but three times, removing, as previously stated, from Tennessee to Missouri, and from Missouri to Illinois, settling with his parents on section 22, on which a portion of the town of Tennessee lies, and from thence to his place of abode on section 20, which later change occurred in December, 1842. On the 26th day of December, 1841, Mr. Bacon was united in marriage to Honore Durbin, who, after a companionship of 23 years, depart this life. She was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church for a number of years, and died possessing a hope of a future reward. On the 20th day of October, 1864, Mr. Bacon was again married, the lady being Mrs. Louisa, (Latimer) Meek, of Abingdon, Knox county. When Mr. Bacon began life for himself he had but little of this world's goods, receiving from the estate of his father, but about 40 acres of land; but he had the courage and the will necessary to success, which, combined with extreme caution, placed him in the front rank of the farmers of McDonough county. He was very successful in business affairs, as is evinced by the well stocked farm on which he resided at the time of his death, one of the best improved and carefully managed in the county. Mr. Bacon was a professor of the Christian religion from a youth up, having united with the Baptist church when about 19 years of age, with which body he retained connection until the congregation where he held membership was broken up in consequence of the removal of its members from the vicinity, when he united with the Methodist Episcopal church, in 1845 or 1846, after which time he held in that body the offices of trustee, class leader, and superintendent of the Sunday school, in which latter capacity he was very active and efficient. It was always characteristic of Mr. Bacon to seek retirement rather than publicity, and for that reason he never occupied the public positions in life he was so well calculated to fill. On the 24th of October, 1877, Larkin C. Bacon departed this life, leaving a large family, and many friends to mourn his loss.
John Lyon, deceased, was a settler of 1835. He came to this township from what is now Colchester township. He was born in Adair county, Kentucky, in 1802, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon. He was reared in Adair county, Kentucky, and there lived until 1835, when he decided to remove to Illinois, and in pursuance of this resolve he settled in McDonough county, and located on section 13, now Colchester township. He remained there until November, of that year, when he moved on section 4, Tennessee township, where he resided until the time of his death. He went back to Adair county in 1840, and on the 27th day of September, 1840, he died, and was buried near the scenes of his youth. He was married in Adair county, Kentucky, in 1825, to Margaret Mourning, who died in November, 1877. She was born in 1803, and resided with her son Robert, until the time of her death. They were the parents of seven children: Maranda, born January 23, 1826, married S. Woolley, living in Minnesota; Sanderson, married Sarah Buchanan, now residing in Henry county, Iowa; Mary Jane, married John Gorham, now residing in Henry county, Iowa; William, married Ollie Wilson, now living in Lamoine township; Abigail, married George W. Keithley, now living in Hire township.
Robert W. Lyon, the son of John Lyon, is a native of Adair county, Kentucky, and was born on the 1st of December, 1829. When six years of age he removed to McDonough county, and was reared in Tennessee township, and with the exception of three years spent in Hancock county, he has since been a resident of this county. He received his schooling in the same township and district in which the family first permanently settled, and was married in McDonough county in July, 1860, to Annie Sigars, a native of Carroll county, Indiana, and a daughter of Lewis and Telitha (Knight) Sigars. Mr. and Mrs. Lyon have had seven children: John T., died in April, 1882; Albert Clay, William Sherman, Minnie May, Eva, Maggie and Myrtie. Mr. Lyon came to his present location on section 8, in February, 1873. He has resided here since that time, and has now 70 acres of good improved land, and divides his attention between farming and stock-raising. He is one of the trustees in the Friendship Methodist Episcopal church society, and is also a member of the board of school directors. Mr. Lyon is also a member of the Tennessee lodge No. 496, A. F. and A. M.
Michael Lawyer is among the living early settlers of Tennessee township. He is a son of Jacob and Mary E. (Kline) Lawyer, and was born September 16, 1798, in Frederick county, Virginia. When in his seventh year he removed with his parents to Fayette county, Ohio, where he grew to manhood. Jacob Lawyer died in Ohio in 1821, aged 64. In 1837 Michael accompanied his mother and her family to McDonough county and rented a farm on section 34, Tennessee township, which, the following year, he purchased. His mother died here in 1842. Michael was married in Fayette county, Ohio, December 12, 1824, to Sarah Parker, a native of Virginia, and daughter of Absalom and Mary Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Lawyer have had 11 children, 10 of whom are living: Mary E., who was married to Wesley Waddill, now deceased; John, married to Rebecca Jane Jackson, and living in Tennessee township; Elizabeth, wife of George W. Gibson, of Newton county, Missouri; Martha, wife of Samuel Morrow, of Tennessee township; Rebecca, wife of Isaac Smith, of Brooks county, Kansas; Eliza Jane, wife of Thomas Monk, of Bethel township; Nancy, wife of Charles Waddill, of Tennessee township; Margaret, wife of Benjamin Waddill, also of Tennessee township; William, married to Minerva T. Waddill, and Thomas Benton. The last named son was born in Tennessee township, July 17, 1844, and was married April 2, 1867, to Helen Weir, a native of this county, and daughter of John Weir, of Lamoine township. They have one child, William S. Thomas B. Lawyer owns 150 acres of land, and is engaged in stock-raising and farming. Jacob Lawyer (son of Michael) died September 13, 1861, aged 27 years. Mr. Lawyer had, originally, 200 acres of land, but has now divided a portion of it among his sons.
John Lawyer was born in Fayette county, Ohio, September 17, 1827, his parents being Michael and Sarah (Parker) Lawyer. When John was a boy, the family concluded to remove farther west, and in pursuance of that purpose, came to McDonough county in 1837, locating on section 34, where his father still resides and where John received his education and grew to manhood. He was married on the 10th of November, 1850, to Rebecca J. Jackson, daughter of William and Almira (Hills) Jackson, who located in Lamoine township, in 1843. Mr. Jackson died in 1842, before the family came to this county, and Mrs. Jackson now makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lawyer. Mr. and Mrs. Lawyer have four children--William B., Sarah A., Amos M. and Sind.
Lewis B. Mourning came to McDonough county with his parents in the spring of 1837, locating on section 8, Tennessee township, although the family spent the first summer north of the town of Colchester. In 1870 Mr. Mourning came to his present location, on section 16. Lewis B. Mourning, the subject of this sketch, is the son of William and Elizabeth (Lyon) Mourning, and was born in Adair county, Kentucky, July 17, 1830. Came to this county with his parents in the spring of 1837, and settled on section 8, in Tennessee township, where he worked on the farm a good deal in the summer, and attended school a little in winter, taking turn chopping wood and making fires in the school room, with rather poor teachers, and poorer accommodations, it is little wonder that the children of the early settlers got but a limited education. In the fall of 1850, he visited the place of his birth, Adair county, Kentucky; good enough place to be born, but a poor place to make a living in. Attended a select school the following winter and the next summer taught the first school ever taught under the free school laws of Kentucky, in that district. Returning to Illinois in the fall of 1851, attended school for two winters, afterwards taught school for two terms. On the 7th day of June, 1853, he was married to Lucinda Keithly, daughter of Jacob and Sarah (Roberts) Keithly. They had three children born, two are still living--John L., born May 30, 1854; James A., born February 8, 1856, died at eight months old; Ammi Ellmer, born April 22, 1867. They also raised a niece, Ida Ellen Mourning (daughter of John M. Mourning), who is now the wife of James M. Waddill. He now owns a farm of 110 acres, situated on sections 16, 20 and 21, Tennessee township. He was a republican from 1854 until 1872, has since that voted for Peter Cooper in 1876, for James B. Weaver in 1880, and John P. St. John in 1884. Has never regretted any vote he ever gave for any presidential candidate, and is especially proud of having voted for John C. Freemont and John P. St. John. He and wife are both members of the M. E. church; has been a member of several secret orders--Sons of Temperance, Good Templars, the Grange, and is now a member of the Masonic fraternity, Tennessee Lodge, No. 496. He is of Irish decent on the fathers side; the grandfather, John Mourning, was born on the Green Isle, in 1774, but emigrated with his parents when quite young, to America, settling in Virginia, moving from there to Kentucky, where the father of Lewis B., was born, April 3, 1805, and died April 18, 1870, on the same quarter of land he settled on in 1837. Mr. Mourning has passed through many of the hardships and privations of the early settler, but is glad to live to see the grand improvements in our fair country. The sulky plow has taken the place of the old wooden mold-board, the binder that of the hand sickle, the separator that of the flail, and hopes to yet see universal sobriety and good order take the place of whisky, beer and the saloon.
Charles B. Gilchrist, deceased, was a settler of 1837. He was born in Walpole, New Hampshire, on the 27th day of May, 1802, his parents being Samuel and Betsy (Allen) Gilchrist. She was a niece of Colonel Ethan Allen, a descendant of William Holton, who was one of the celebrated Pilgrim fathers. Charles A. Gilchrist worked in the vicinity of Cambridge, Massachusetts, when a boy, and when 21 years of age he went to Westminster, Vermont, where he remained until 1836. In 1837 he came to McDonough county, Illinois, and at first rented land in Tennessee township, near the Lamoine line, but the next year, 1838, he bought land on section 32, and there made permanent improvements. About the year 1858 he bought the place of the old homestead on section 29, and there built a home, and by the earnest work for which he was well known, he soon had his family surrounded with many comforts. He died on the 30th day of June, 1882. On the 31st day of December, 1829, he was married to Minerva H. Holton, who was a descendant of Edward Winslow, who was also one of the Puritan fathers. Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist were the parents of five children: Helen, married L. F. Ferris, of Fountain Green; Charles A., married Lucy E. Walker, now residing in Carthage. Charles was a general in the late civil war, having enlisted in the 10th Missouri infantry, company I; Van B.; Erastus H., was killed by a horse in October, 1851; Edward M., married Mary Bolls, who is now dead; and Edward, now a resident of Keokuk, Iowa.
Van B. Gilchrist was born on the 11th day of April 1836, in Westminster, Vermont. He came to McDonough county with his parents, and now resides in Tennessee township. He was married on the 4th day of December, 1862, to Miss Sarah A. Robinson, a native of Green county, Ohio, and a daughter of Henson and Sarah Ann (Reed) Robinson. They have had six children: Helen, Erastus, now dead, having been kicked by a horse; Charles; William, died in 1875; and Cornelia. Mr. Gilchrist is a member of Tennessee lodge, No. 496, A. F. and A. M.
James Jenkins, now of Tennessee township, ranks among the very early settlers, his parents having settled in Lamoine township as early as 1832. James was born in St. Clair county, Illinois, February 12, 1829, being the son of David and Nancy (Boring) Jenkins, the former having come from the state of Tennessee to St. Clair county, Illinois, at an early day. Both of James' parents' families were old Tennessee stock. In the fall of 1832 the family came to McDonough county, and settled south of Hill's Grove, on land now belonging to the Waddill heirs. David Jenkins made some improvements on this land, but four or five years afterwards entered land in what is now Lamoine township, the land now belonging to the Griffith estate. There our subject was reared, having to go about five miles to Hill's Grove to attend school. He was married in Tennessee township, on the 24th of November, 1859, to Elizabeth Horrell, daughter of Elijah T. and Lucy (Bragg) Horrell. Mr. Horrell is a native of Kentucky, being born May 4, 1804, and came to this county from Adair county, that state, in 1835. Mr. and Mrs. Horrell were blessed with six children--Elizabeth, Martha, Frances, John N., Nancy and Eliza Matilda. The first four were born in Kentucky, and the latter two in this county. Mr. and Mrs. James Jenkins have four children--Nannie E., John F., James H. and Ida Lee. Mr. Jenkins came to his present location, on section 21, Tennessee township, in 1863, having bought the land about 1857. His farm consists of 190 acres of good land, nearly all improved. He raises cattle, horses and hogs, and has one full-blooded Durham, besides other good cattle. Mr. Jenkins is a member of the Masonic lodge, No. 496, at Tennessee, was worshipful master one year, and is the present treasurer, which office he has held almost continuously since its organization. He has also been senior and junior warden. Mr. Jenkins' father is now living in Kansas, at the advanced age of 81 years, but his mother died in October, 1832, when James was a mere child. He was the first tax collector in Lamoine township, when the county assumed township organization. He served two terms there, and one in Tennessee township. In 1868 he connected himself with the Methodist church and is now one of the trustees of the church in Tennessee. His wife and two daughters are also members of the same church. Mr. Jenkins has been class leader, steward, Sunday school superintendent and teacher.
The settlement bearing this name lies in the southwestern part of Tennessee township, and was so named by Isaac Holton, at an early day, in honor of a relative by the name of Hill. Many items of interest in the history of the county had their scene in this vicinity, and Hill's Grove will be found mentioned in more than one of the chapters of this work. Here was located the Holton school, a notice of which appears hereafter.
EDUCATIONALIn educational matters, Tennessee occupies the same territory as it did previous to the time Colchester township was organized, although separate townships, Colchester and Tennessee are recognized as one and the same, with reference to school matters, etc. From an examination of the last annual report of the county superintendent, for the school year ending June 30, 1884, it is learned that Tennessee has 949 children between the school age of six and 21 years, 700 of whom are enrolled in the schools. There are 11 school buildings in the township, three of which are brick, the balance frame structures, and in which there is an average of seven and one-eleventh months of school taught per year. The highest wages paid any male teacher per month is $65, and the lowest $38; the highest wages paid female teachers is $35, and the lowest $18, per month. The estimated value of school property amounts to $17,875, while the tax levy for the support of the educational institutions of this township amounts to $4,225. Tennessee has a bonded school debt of $100. Two of the schools in this township are graded. Two of the districts are numbered, "No. 2," while there is not any "No. 7." Districts 2, 6 and 8, are union districts, being partly in Colchester, and partly in Tennessee townships. District 11 is a union district with Lamoine township.
In 1835, Isaac Holton, a graduate of Brown university, removed with his family to this county, locating in Tennessee township. He here established what the settlers knew as "Hill's Grove seminary," in a log cabin, on section 29. He erected the building himself, maintaining the idea that thus away from town, he could rear his family in a better and more satisfactory manner, and at the same time, secure to the neighborhood educational facilities, which would tend to build up and develop the same. The rude log structure was about 20x24 feet in dimensions, and one and a half stories high. It contained but a loft overhead, in which, it is said, negroes were hidden away from their pursuers, during the days of slavery. The building is now used by Asa Fulkerson, a nephew of Thomas, as a stable. Mr. Holton conducted a school, in which all the collegiate branches were taught, and no one's education in this section of the county was considered finished, who had not attended the "seminary." He continued the school for about 15 years, when he went to Carthage, and taught the high school there for one year. He then returned to Hill's Grove, with the intention of resuming teaching there, but his death occurred shortly afterward, at his home, in the vicinity of the school. He left a wife and five children. His wife is still living, and resides with a brother-in-law, Hiram G. Ferris, a prominent banker of Carthage.
Isaac Holton, the teacher of the old Hill's Grove school, was born on the 13th day of March, 1790, and died, June 26, 1850. He was married, June 6, 1827, to Phebe Arnold, daughter of Seth and Esther (Ramsey) Arnold. She was born in 1798, and is yet living, being at present, with her son-in-law, Hiram Ferris, of Carthage. She is in the enjoyment of excellent health. Isaac Holton graduated in 1814, at the university of Vermont, located in the city of Burlington. He had become fitted for college at Deerfield academy, in Massachusetts. After graduating, he read law with his brother, John, in Springfield, Massachusetts, and subsequently, with Hon. W. C. Bradley, of Westminister, Vermont. After a brief law practice, he abandoned that profession, and engaged in teaching, commencing that work as principal of Chester academy, in Vermont. He was eminently successful, and afterwards filled the same position at the academies of South Berwick and Limerick, in Maine, and at Bellows Falls, Vermont, until about 1835, when he removed to Hill's Grove, Illinois. He traded a pew in a church, at Bangor, Maine, for the southwest quarter of section 29, Tennessee township, McDonough county, Illinois, and here laid out the town of Hill's Grove, which is now a village, containing two stores, a blacksmith shop, postoffice, etc. Soon after his arrival here, he opened a school, in which he taught the higher branches and classics. He spent the remainder of his life here engaged in teaching and farming. His children were: Seth Arnold, married to Margaret (Farley) Shedd, and in the treasury department, at Washington, D.C.; Rebecca Ranney, who was married to Rev. Joseph Mason, and died in 1871; Dr. John Ambrose, who was a practicing dentist in Arkansas, now deceased; Rev. Charles Augustus, a minister of the United Brethren, in Peoria county; Julia Esther, wife of Hiram G. Ferris, the leading banker, of Carthage; Anna Phebe, who died September 30, 1849, aged 10 years, and Joel Alexander, who died, April 25, 1860, aged 20 years.
An early school in Tennessee was taught by Alexander Ladlock in the summer of 1834, on the land now owned by James McClure on section 9. Children attended from distances of four or five miles.
In 1838, Mrs. Hoyt taught school in the Lower neighborhood, in an old log cabin erected by a man by the name of Durand and who afterward died there. Benches extended the entire width of the building and were constructed of logs upon four legs, which served as seats.
The present board of township directors, for the several districts, consists of the following named gentlemen: Thomas Fulkerson, F. F. Myer, and M. L. Morrow, No. 1; William Boyd and G. W. Carson, No. 2; R. G. Powell and H. A. Hendricks, No. 2; S. W. Hunt, Joseph D. Moon and James McClure, No. 3; R. W. Lyon, A. J. Martin and W. H. Mourning, No. 4; William McKenzie, John Farrenkopf and Edgar Hill, No. 5; J. D. Trew and D. W. Campbell, No. 6; John L. Smith and R. P. Smith, No .8; Joseph Morgan and George Cuba, No. 9; J. L. Meyers and A. E. Welch, No. 10; T. B. Lawyer and J. R. Stookey, No 11.
The first school house in district No. 5, originally. known as the Prentiss school house, was erected on the northwest corner of section 5, where the Friendship church now stands, in the spring of 1838. It was a frame structure 16x20 feet, constructed of oak lumber, which was sawed at Ayer's mill, in Tennessee township, on Crooked creek. An orphan girl, Mary Long, who came to the township with her uncle, Squire Nott, taught the first term of school in the building during the following summer, before there was any flooring, lathing or plastering. The teacher would board at the homes of the scholars, generally a week at a place, the schools being kept up almost entirely by subscription. The building was used until a new one was erected in the center of southwest quarter of section 5, in 1855. This structure outlived its usefulness and was sold to George H. Mourning for $5, who utilized it for kindling fires, etc. The present building of this district was erected in the fall of 1878, at a cost of $502, including furniture, and is located on the site of the predecessor, being 20x28 feet in dimensions. The first teacher in this building was Carrie Head, while Minnie Douglas teaches the school at present.POSTOFFICE
In 1850, a postoffice was established at the residence of George Welch, and was continued there for a number of years. The office was previously kept by John Carroll, in Hire township and when Mr. Carroll gave it up, Mr. Welch was appointed. It was then called the Pleasant Valley Mills postoffice, but afterward changed to Argyle.
In 1835, religious services were held in a public place for the first time, at the school house of Isaac Holton. The services were of a Congregational order. The Methodists also held services there, and for fifteen years these two denominations continued to hold meetings at that place. Valentine Wilson preached the first sermon in this house.
In the spring of 1832, Valentine Wilson, a Methodist preacher from Hancock county, delivered the first sermon to the people of Tennessee, at the house of James Fulkerson, which was just after the arrival of the Fulkersons in McDonough county. Shortly after this he held appointments at the house of Joshua Hunt, and missions were then held at these two places.CEMETERY
The cemetery on the northwest quarter of section 5 was laid out by the Friendship organization and is connected with the church at this point, part the ground being deeded in 1874, by John B. Eakel, the balance by Dodson Siebolds, at an early day. The first burial occurred in July, 1839, and was the wife of John Mourning, who came from Kentucky the preceding May. The second body intered was that of an itinerant peddler, who was taken sick at the house of Geo. Derritt, a renter, where he died, during the winter of 1839-40. Another early burial occurred during the year 1840, and was the body of David Brown, a young man, and son of David Brown, Sr.
The first steam saw mill in the northern part of Tennessee township, was built in the spring of 1857, on section 6, on Cedar creek, by O. A. Young. He brought the boiler with him from Fulton county, but purchased the engine and other necessary machinery for the mill at St Louis, Missouri, the saw first used being an upright one. In 1877 he removed the machinery to its present location, on section 7. The engine is a 20-horse power, and a circular saw is now used.
The first marriage which occurred within the present territory of Tennessee township was that of Permenio Jones and Ann Dickinson. The ceremony occurred at the residence of Charles Dickinson, the father of the bride, on section 18, in the spring of 1836, and was probably performed by an old Methodist minister, James King. Mr. Jones has since died, and she is now the wife of R. Underhill, a resident of this township.
Valentine Wilson, a Methodist divine, preached the first sermon in the township, in the spring of 1832, at the house of James Fulkerson.
The first school was taught by James Fulkerson, at his own residence, in the spring of 1832. Those attending the school were the children of Mr. Fulkerson, and Elizabeth J. Tyrrell, Matilda Brooks, Roisten Johnson and Julia Johnson.
The first postoffice at Hill's Grove was established in 1839, with Isaac Holton as postmaster.
Rutherford McClure laid the first tile for drainage purposes, in the county, in 1872. He purchased the tile of Abram Horrocks, who had established a small factory at Colchester about that time. Mr. Horrocks is now operating the large tile establishment in Bardolph. Mr. McClure paid fifty dollars a 1,000 for four-inch tiling, which was the largest size then manufactured. His neighbors contended that he was wasting time and money, but experience proves the contrary.
Probably the first death which occurred in the township, was a widow lady named Taise, who resided on section 5. Her death occurred in July, 1834, and there being no burying ground at that time, the remains were interred in the timber on the northwest quarter of section 4. The coffin was made of dressed walnut, by a cabinet maker named Durand. There is no gravestone or mark of any kind at present to designate the place where she slumbers.
In pursuance of a vote taken upon township organization, at the general election of November, 1856, the committee appointed by the county judge to divide the county into townships, reported in due time, and from that report it was learned that the territory comprising this township was called Tennessee. Tennessee was organized as a full congressional township and so remained until the spring election of 1880, when Colchester township was created, taking from Tennessee sections 1, 12, 13, 24, 25 and 36, and the east half of sections 2, 11, 14, 23, 26 and 35. The first township election was held April 7, 1857, at which time the following officers were elected: S. A. Knott, justice; D. W. Campbell and Samuel Gibson, constables. The present officers of the township are as follows: Supervisor, Wm. Cook; clerk, Douglas Glasgow; assessor, William Cowan; collector, Frank Hunt; highway commissioner, Joseph Morgan; justices-of-the-peace, H. L. Rapelje and Samuel Russell; constables, J. Sweeney and Charles Cook; school trustees, Jas. Eaton two years, and W. A. Hutchinson, three years.
Source: The History of McDonough County, together with sketches of the towns, villages and townships, educational, civil, military and political history; portraits of prominent individuals, and biographies of the representative citizens, 1885, pages 545-565. Transcribed by Karl A. Petersen
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